EverPel Applications

EverPel is suitable for in-place application, with greatly lessened surface preparation requirements, to retrofit and repair existing installations and equipment.


EverPel is ideal for application to railroad infrastructure, tank cars, and more. Replacing high-VOC epoxy coatings and linings, EverPel can create an ultra-slick, oil-repellent surface on the interior of tank cars, allowing for easy upload, prevention from depositions/fouling, and simplified maintenance/cleaning operations.


EverPel for storage tanks protects the surface substrate in highly corrosive environments. The non-toxic and water-based formulation is far less hazardous to apply than typical epoxies, yet protects against adhesion and deposition of elements within chemical or oil/gas-containing tanks.


EverPel combats atmospheric and galvanic corrosion on both internal and external components of critical infrastructure, like bridges and roadways. EverPel vastly outperforms traditional coatings in preventing corrosion on aluminum and steel substrates, helping to arrest existing corrosion or to protect new infrastructure.

EverPel's long-lasting protection can reduce maintenance costs and extend equipment lifetime.

EverPel variants are specially formulated to impart extreme corrosion and chemical resistance to a wide range of substrates, without the need for extreme and costly surface preparation. EverPel forms a repellent, slick barrier against corrosion and the deposition of other debris like scales, hydrates, and iron sulfides.

Product Sheet